F2F Class Notes 24th August (Celeste)

Homework: What are 3 adjectives you would use to describe yourself? Why? Give examples.

facilitate ( fuh – sill – i – tate ) / facilitating / facilitated / will facilitate v. – to make easier or less difficult, to help move forward

applicable ( uhh plik uhh bull ) adj.- relevant, appropriate, suitable, capable of being applied

hands-on learning – while teaching, give sth to students to touch that relates to the topic. This way, students can retain/remember the information/vocabulary

pen pal – when people write letters to each other, letter exchange

I tried my best to communicate with their parents to understand my students deeply.
I communicated my best with the parents to help them help their children improve.

I will teach them much better.
I will teach them according to their learning style.
I will teach them differently but effectively.