F2F Class Notes 23rd November (Tony) [3]

to remind them their time is up, 

their subscription will expire soon

time is up – time is finished

due – money that needs to be paid

due – will arrive by this date eg: “Did you hear that Janice is pregnant? Her due date is February 3rd.

banquet – a large formal dinner party eg: “Our company used to hold a large banquet every year.”

Original –

I think people usually  give chocolate truffles when they don’t know what to send. So, I picked chocolate truffle as my gift to Alice. The one who gives a present to me, give me a cup because he thinks a cup means a lifetime in Chinese. However, I found this cup is broken when delivery man give it to me and I need maintenance worker to fix it for me.


I think people tend to give chocolate truffles when they have no idea what to send. So, I picked chocolate truffles as my gift to Alice. I received a cup from my secret santa because he thinks cup, means a lifetime together in Chinese. However, I found this cup is broken when the delivery man gave it to me and I needed a repairman to fix it for me. My secret Santa also gave me a pair of leather shoes and they require some maintenance if I want them to look new.