F2F Class Notes 23rd November (Tony)

I was explaining something to our headquarters office

artworks or artwork

pair of pajamas

stuffed animals – plush toys

We have many kinds of licensing, mostly for intellectual property rights.

we can’t do anything to that fake ones – There’s nothing we can do about fake products

knockoffs – fake products that try to use a well known brand name and designs. eg: “In chinese markets there are many Minion knockoffs.”

rhyme – when two words have a similar sound, and make a musical rhythm. eg: “I tried to dabble in pineapple scrabble but Allison was at the Palace Inn, too far to hear my babblin’. ” What word rhymes with Cat? Hat rhymes with cat.”

dabble – to do a little bit of something eg: “I dabbled in painting, but never finished any piece.”

scrabble – a board game where you use letters on tiles to make words for points.

babble – to talk a lot about nothing eg: “He was very emotional and babbling about his work.”

cut corners – to skip some of the steps involved, to make it shorter or easier eg: “Some of our licensees think our process is too complicated so they try to cut corners.”

cut sb. out – to remove sb. from part of the process or deal “Alibaba wants to cooperate with Blizzard, so they tried to cut us out and deal with Blizzard directly.”

intellectual property – property that results from original creative thought, as patents, copyright material, and trademarks. eg: “Intellectual property rights have a difficult challenge in China, because there are so many knockoffs and so much digital piracy.”

piracy – to steal and use something eg: “Media piracy is very common with music, movies and tv shows, except in some countries where they will charge you a large fine.” “That music is free because it is pirated.”