F2F Class Notes 23rd March (Tanya)


grateful, thankful – 很感谢

e.g. My dad gave me a new car, I am very grateful to him. 我很谢谢他

to be cold – 我冷

to be sure – 我决定

e.g. I am sure Alice could be really good at English if she studies harder.

to have a cold – to be sick

competition – 比赛

Speaking exercise


Korea is very very beautiful country, because Korea nature is very very great. Korean people are very very handsome and beautiful. Korea food is very delicious. Korea everything is very expensive. Ice cream is 300 Korean yuan. I don’t like eat ice cream.

Dancing games. I am number third in competition. I am go to the Korea one day. Two hours in the plane. Singapore is very long. Five past hours. Chris is my husband. He is Chinese boy. In my class? No! He is 27. He go in the EXO (band). She is Canada.


Korea is a very beautiful country, because Korean nature is very great. Korean people are very very handsome and beautiful. Korean food is very delicious. Everything in Korea is very expensive. Ice cream is 300 Korean yuan. I don’t like to eat ice cream.

Dancing games. I was number third in the competition. I only went to Korea one day. I was in the plane for two. The flight to Singapore is very long. Longer than five hours. Chris is my husband. He is Chinese boy. In my class? No! He is 27. He go in the EXO (band). She is Canada.

Reading exercise

Alice just named a fish after me.

That fish was very pretty.

I am very grateful to her.

Alice likes playing games on her phone.

What else do you think she likes to do?

I’m not sure.

She is never cold because she always wears big sweaters.

That is very smart of her. 她这样做很聪明

I am not that smart.

I am always cold.


Ask Alice about the vocab!!!! + ask her to translate the text