F2F Class Notes 23rd March (Jesse) [W]


Talk about your best friend. Describe her and tell me why you like her. Tell me how you met her. Where you met her. When you met her.

at that place = where
it = which
they / he / she = who
at the time that = when

Writing exercise

I like to paint in pencils when i was young, And i started to painting with a teacher who was named Li HaoLi in the first half year of 2002, when i was in second grade at hight school. I had practice which were pencil sketchã€colour and quick sketch everyday. In september 2003 i went to HuBei Industry University to studied art design where was in WuHan city. I often painted in watercolours about fashion once a day when i was in university and on work. More practice will improve my painting. I pained for a fashion magazine who was named SELF after i sent my resume in 2014. My dream is to be a fashion illustrator in watercolour when is in future.

I liked to paint in pencils when i was young, And i started to paint with a teacher who was named Li HaoLi in the first half of 2002, when i was in my second year at high school. I practiced pencil sketchã€colour and quick sketch everyday. In september 2003 i went to HuBei Industry University, which was in WuHan, to study art design. I often painted in water colours about fashion once a day when i was in university and at work. More practice will improve my painting. I painted for a fashion magazine which was named SELF after i sent my resume in 2014. My dream is to be a fashion illustrator in watercolour in (the) future.


thousand – thao zend 

fashion – fa shen

painted – paaeeented

year – push on the “y” like “yes” 

resume – rez oo may = CV


stuff your cat / a stuffed cat
eg. when my cat died, I got him stuffed
eg2. i have stuffed animals at my office

I’m ok – i have no problem / bu yong le / mei guan xi
eg. do you want some water? no thanks, i’m ok
I’ve finished – wo hao le / jie shu le
eg. I’m done! you can come in now / i’m finished you can have class now.

resume – rez yoom = continue
eg. I want to resume my course


I went to a university which is in Wuhan.
I went to a university and where I studied Industry Design.
I met a girl who is named Lyn

I came here to study = the reason
I came here and studied = I did 2 things
eg. I came here to see Jesse and Judy and I also studied while I was here.
I came here and am studying = I did sth and I am doing sth now.

elementary school / primary school = xiao xue
middle school – zhong xue
high school – gao zhong
uni / university / college 

i practiced
i had practiced
i had practiced watercolors for 2 years before I came to China

Lyn had waited for 20 minutes before Jesse finished class.
Lyn has waited for 20 minutes / Lyn waited for 20 minutes.