Open F2F Class Notes 23rd March (Celeste)

My job is stucked by others. – My job is delayed because of others.

office workers – teachers, engineers, consultants etc.

I have been worked for almost 4 years. – I have worked for almost 4 years. / I have been working for almost 4 years.

Some company will see if you have a certificate. -Some companies/employers will see if you have a certificate.

approve / prove- remember not to add the sound “uh” before ‘prove’

aerial / area (air ree uh)

I have to put extra effort and money. – It will take extra effort and money. / I have to give extra effort and money.

Will push you learn a lot of things. – It will push you to learn a lot of things.

level ( pull the door open)

most (m O st)

This is not a tough, hard company. – This is a company that really cares about their employees. / This is an easy company to work for.

secret (see crit)  / strict

If you want to do some improvement… – If you want to improve

th – please remember to slow down when you say words with ‘th’ (something, think, the, they)


iphone ( i ph O ne)

I just know how to coding.I know how to code.

chief – CEO

chef (shef)

gym coach – personal trainer


Email Review:

Get certificate or not
Nowadays, lots of office workers pursue some certificates like TOEIC to show their competence in English; Agile coach certificates to prove their ability to take the job. However, are these certificates really worth to put in lots of efforts and money? Or do these certificates improved their job as they expected? I’m not sure. Personally, the process to prepare for the certificates are the most valuable part, through which you can improve your ability largely. However how much the impact to your daily work, it depends on each individual’s ability to change the knowledge to practice. The certificates will not improve your work much but your improved ability will.