F2F Class Notes 23rd January (Jesse)


prepare a self introduction in english – talk about your experiences at work / life for the last 5 years, your strengths very specifically, your interests, plans for the future.

we talked less we didn’t talk much

strength / advantage

what are you good at?  logical thinker
so what can you do well? i can work in analytics effectively
so why does your boss care? I can make sure of the quality and ensure it will be done correctly, the first time, which saves the company time and money

what are you good at?  patient
so what can you do well? I have the ability to provide a high level of service to staff
so why does your boss care? working with patient people is very preferable to people who are not patient. Anytime there’s a problem, I will be calm, and focused on getting a result.

what are you good at?  careful / detail focused
so what can you do well?
so why does your boss care?

weaknesses – talk about what you are not good at, how you have been trying to improve and how you will continue to improve.

Think about all of your strengths, and why are they important for this new position? Give examples.

i make people trust me
when I talk, i’m always positive and people can feel this
i am really strong and direct so i can communicate clearly
im good at explaining things in a simple way