F2F Class Notes 23rd January (Celeste)***
Read this story and listen to the recording, be prepared to read it in your next class.
Generally all children must go to kindergarten when they are 3 years old but some children go to preschool before.
I invest money and time in my education.
It has been proven that smoking cigarettes is bad for your health.
It has been proven that education is important for everyone.
Lambs do not do busy work.
This work is repetitive. / I read this word repetitively.
month / monthssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Generally ( jen – er- ull – lee )
busy ( bizz – zee )
repetitive ( re – pet – ti – tiv )
some ___ / some of the ____
most ___ / most of the ___
I guess it’s maybe lack of breast milk – I guess I am lacking breast milk.
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