F2F Class Notes 23rd January (Celeste)


If I jump in the hole I will never see my mom again.

A wizard is a person who can do magic and cast spells.

It’s a rabbit.

Richard is my mom and dad’s son.

Celeste tells Michelle to be polite every time she wants something. Michelle tells Jeff, her husband, to be polite. 


pose n. – position for a picture

shade n. – dark, cool area under sth

eg. I can find shade under a tree or table.


Cause and Effect

Cause: The boy forgot his homework. Effect: He had to miss a recess.

Cause: Larry told a great joke. Effect: Everyone laughed loudly.

Cause: Nick ate too much candy. Effect: His stomach hurt.

Cause: The lady slipped on the ice. Effect: She broke her arm.