F2F Class Notes 23rd February (Celeste)***


Listen to the recording of the article below. Slowly read the first paragraph. Be prepared to read the first paragraph in your next class.

Next Class: Continue reading the article and focus on pronunciation.

Astronauts’ brains change shape during spaceflight

Researchers have found that astronauts’ brains change shape during spaceflight. It is the first study to look into this. Researchers looked at high-tech pictures of the brains of 26 astronauts. Twelve of them spent two weeks on the Space Shuttle, and 14 spent six months on the International Space Station. All of their brains increased and decreased in the size in different parts. The longer an astronaut spent in space, the bigger the size differences were.

The research produced interesting findings. One is that no gravity means fluids float in the body, so the brain changes position and size. The findings could help doctors to treat people with problems caused by long-term bed rest. They could also help those with a build-up of fluid in the brain, which can lead to brain damage. We will understand more about how neurons in the brain connect. The findings will also help future trips to Mars.


previous/former colleague

advocate/s ( add – vuh – kit ) n. – sb who speaks or writes in support of sth

eg. Celeste is an advocate of women’s rights.

eg. Michael is an advocate for globalization. ( global – izz A – shin )


funds ( funzz )***

friends ( fr – enzz )

farm*** open mouth more and curl your tongue just a little

firm *** just a little mouth movement

et cetera / etc. ( et – set – er – uh )