F2F Class Notes 23rd August (Raph)

Vanish (v): 1- to disappear suddenly and completely.
E.g.: After a boy named Will vanished, his friends went looking for him.

Evaporation (n): 1- the process in which something goes from a liquid state to a gas state.
E.g.: The evaporation of water happens at 100ºC.

Celery = 芹菜
Cucumber = 黄瓜
Green beans = 绿豆

In the beginning of the movie I didn’t think he was very nice, but by the end of it my opinion had changed. He went through a difficult situation and became a better person because of it. =)

My favorite TV show at the moment is Stranger Things. My favorite horror movie is The Shining.

Q: How have you been?
A: I’ve been _____.
E.g.: good, great, not bad, not so good, etc.

Ice / solid water – below 0ºC
Liquid water – between 0ºC and 100ºC
Water vapor / gaseous water – above 100ºC