F2F Class Notes 22nd September (Tony)

Pretty good – a little good. I’m pretty hungry, but I can wait.

Really good – very good. I’m really hungry, I can’t wait.

go + (V.) I’m really hungry, I need to go eat.

go to + (N.) I’m really hungry, I’m gonna go to a restaurant. 

repeat – do again. Repeat after me.

restaurant – a place to eat. Let’s go to that restaurant. 

A – A class,a book, a job, a car, a house. If the first letter is a consonant (B,C,D,F,G…) use a.

An – An apple, an ear, an insult, an online class, an umbrella. if the first letter of a word is a vowel (A, E, I, O, U) use an.

It was an online class.

I buy things online.

I found a new job online.

Go online to find the info.

insult: a bad thing to say about someone. eg: “You are a stupid person” “You are an idiot” “Sorry if I insulted you.”

umbrella: to protect you form rain. eg: “It will rain, you should bring an umbrella.”  (Sounds like A Numbrella)