F2F Class Notes 22nd September (Raph)

Dictate (v): 1- to say or state (something) with authority or power. 2- to make (something) necessary.
E.g.: The demand dictates the price of things.

Hike (v): 1- to walk a long distance especially for pleasure or exercise : to go on a hike.
E.g.: I want to go on a hike in the mountains of Zhejiang province.

Parakeet (n): 1- a small, brightly colored tropical bird that has a long tail and that is often kept as a pet.
E.g.: Carol’s uncle has a green parakeet.

Cave (n): 1- a large hole that was formed by natural processes in the side of a cliff or hill or under the ground
E.g.: There are many beautiful caves in Shandong province.

(Original – Corrected)
I want to go to there – I want to go there.

Xinjiang is now very safety – Xinjiang is now very safe.