F2F Class Notes 22nd September (Celeste)

How many classes are you taking? = How many classes do you have this quarter/semester?

What classes/courses are you taking? 

I’m taking English, fashion design, another class about fashion design, fashion history, and computer fashion design.

lapel ( luh – pell )

blazer ( blAY – zir )

tailored ( tAY – ler – d)

black tie = fancy clothes

fancy ( fan – see ) = very nice, very formal

casual ( Ka zhew ull )

eg. Fancy opposite is casual. –  The opposite of fancy is casual.

The opposite of ___ is ___.

The opposite of hot is cold.

The opposite of young is old.

The opposite of black is white.

material ( muh – teer – ee – ull ) = fabric / textile

eg. Clothes are made of material.

denim ( den – num ) – usually blue material for jeans / jean jacket

silk – si chou, soft, smooth fabric

eg. Silk is a very fancy and expensive fabric. Qi paos or Chinese dresses are made of silk.

zipper – thing to close dresses, bags, shoes

eg. Zippers is casual I think.Zippers are casual.

Bow tie is not casual.

Bow ties are not casual, they are fancy.

In winter we will wear a down jacket as/because the weather is really cold.

Why > because

cape – pi feng, some superheroes wear capes

pleated ( plee – tid ) – when sth like fabric has folds