F2F Class Notes 22nd November (Celeste)


Ladies & gentlemen! Good afternoon!
Welcome to RoleInsight, which hold by YAB.

I’m very happy today, and I believe most of you’re very happy too. Why? Because it’s the day today that our dream come true!

Why I say so? Let me explain a little bit about today’s session. Today’s session is not included in the original plan of RoleInsight.

There’s a survey at the end of each RoleInsight, and there’s a question in it: what else roles that you’re interested? We put “Head of PDU” in that list. At that time, we didn’t realize that we don’t have that role in SH site.

But, our colleague seems very interested in this role, and the voting for this role is continually increased that YAB team couldn’t ignore and got anxious.

But, just at the same time, our Karl-J
got promoted and be the Head of PDU.

What a magic world!

Therefore, it’s you and YAB see something in our PC China, while our Karl-J makes it happen!

Let warmly welcome Karl-J to give this sharing!


Ladies & gentlemen! Good afternoon!
Welcome to YAB’s RoleInsight!

I’m very happy today, and I believe most of you are very happy too. Why? Because today is the day that our dream comes true!

Why am I saying this?/What do I mean?/What am I talking about? Let me explain a little bit about today’s session. Today’s session was not originally included in the original plan of RoleInsight.

At the end of each RoleInsight there was a survey. One of the questions was: What other roles are you interested in? We/YAB put “Head of PDU” in that list. At that time, we didn’t realize that we didn’t have that role in the SH site.

But, our colleague seemed very interested in this role.  The voting for this role continually increased, so much that YAB couldn’t ignore it and we got anxious.

At the same time, our very own Karl-J got promoted to be the Head of PDU.

Just in the nick of time Karl-J saved the day!


 And just like that! All of our prayers have been answered! All of our problems have been solved!

Because of all of you and YAB, the Head of PDU is here to share!
So, ladies and gentlemen, let’s put our hands together to warmly welcome Karl-J!