F2F Class Notes 22nd August (Celeste)

supermarket / grocery store – food

hardware store – materials for a home

furniture store – couches, beds

supercenter – everything store

suburban area = suburbs


After last week’s class I went to a bookstore in Reel. It’s called _____ in Chinese. I want to find some books to tell me about the history and culture of coffee. When I was finding the book, I was called by a girl, she told me to post with her. There was a photographer there. She wants to take a picture of me. I was wearing this hat and she thought it was chic.

At first I thought it’s just a photo to promote to others.


After last week’s class I went to a bookstore in Reel. It’s called _____ in Chinese. I wanted to find some books to learn/read about the history and culture of coffee. When I was finding the book, I was called by a girl, she told me to pose with her. There was a photographer there. She wanted to take a picture of me. I was wearing this hat and she thought it was chic.

At first I thought it’s just a photo to promote to others.

she can shoot a very fine and beautiful pictures.At first I thought she was a professional photographer who can shoot very professional pictures.

constantly go to me to ask me out –  She kept messaging/texting me to hang out/go to lunch.

to become a friend needs some timeIt takes some time to become friends.

open invitation for trouble

stalker – dangerous

Peeping Tom – sb who looks through windows

fan / fangirl