F2F Class Notes 22nd August (Celeste)


The students and teacher they go to the sea by magic school bus.They are find a box because there are many money in the box. They changed to a shark and fish.


The students and teacher they went to the sea by the magic school bus.They found a box because there was a lot of  money in the box. They changed into sharks and fish.

Video: Magic School Bus, Get Ready, Set, Dough!

teacher – Ms. Frizzle

lizard – Liz

baker – sb who bakes breads and cakes

flour, milk, eggs, sugar, salt – ingredients ( in gree dee ints ) things to make sth else

shrink / shrinking / shrunk / will shrink v.- when sb or sth gets smaller

moth – looks like a butterfly, like a bug

pop = to break, think of a balloon

mix all the ingredients together for a cake = cake batter

special – important and rare or unique / one of a kind

Diary or a Wimpy Kid p. 98

go in one ear and out the other – sb hears sth but they don’t remember

though ( th O )

cross your fingers – take 2 fingers and cross them