F2F Class Notes 22nd August (Celeste)

UHT = Ultra High Temperature; milks or liquids that are cooked at a high temperature for a period of time to kill the bacteria / viruses

soy milk – duo nai

1L = 1 Liter ( leeder )

deliver cost – S&H (written)= shipping and handling (oral)

anti inflammatory ( ant-eye in – FLAM – muh – tory ) – acting to reduce certain signs of inflammation, as swelling, tenderness, fever, and pain

allergy n. – sth that makes you feel sick

I have an allergy to cats.

allergic adj.
eg. I am allergic to cats.

rice or vegetable place – dry goods section/area/aisle

aisle ( eye ull ) – row

I can help you.
I can help you with it.
I can help you buy it.

drop it – let it go / forget about sth / move on from sth
eg. I’m done talking about this, just drop it.

Help sb to do sth. -> Help sb sth.
I can help you to buy sth. -> I can help you buy sth.

Half of the price than you buy it in the shop.
If you buy sth on Taobao it will usually be half of the price/cost that you would pay in a shop.

Before he came to Australia.
Before he came back from Australia
Before he left for/went/travelled to Australia.