F2F Class Notes 22nd April (Celeste)

pick pocketers – people who steal things out of people’s bags/pockets

music vocab for next class:

sheet music




These jeans are my favorite because the pockets are deep.

pedestrians – people who walk across the street

put down his number take down his license plate/ write his license plate/ remember his license plate

honk – the sound a car makes


culinary ( cull in air ree ) – anything related to kitchen/cookery

ex: My husband went to culinary school.

ex: There is a culinary fair this weekend.

dress code / attire – the type of clothes to wear at a certain event

ex: The dress code for the presidential gala is formal/ black tie.

gala / fiesta / fest = party

cuisine – style of food

ex: Italian cuisine is my favorite.

ex: French cuisine is more formal than Chinese cuisine.

devil’s advocate –  tempt somebody to do something

play the devil’s advocate

ex: I’m going to play the devil’s advocate. Let’s get the whole chocolate cake after we finish our 5 course dinner! Why shouldn’t we? We deserve it!