F2F Class Notes 21st October (Raph)

Episode (n): 1- each of the separate installments into which a serialized story or radio or television program is divided.
E.g.: This was a very exciting episode.

Cliffhanger (n): 1- a story, contest, or situation that is very exciting because what is going to happen next is not known.
E.g.: The episode ended with a major cliffhanger.

Topic (n): 1- someone or something that people talk or write about
E.g.: This is not a very nice topic of conversation.

Alcoholic (adj): 1- of, containing, or caused by alcohol
E.g.: My favorite alcoholic drink is wine.

Sunset (n): 1- the time when the sun goes below the horizon in the evening.
E.g.: I love watching the sunset on the beach.

Q: How do you like horror movies?
A: I don’t like them.

Q: Do you like horror movies?
A: No, I don’t.