F2F Class Notes 21st November (Celeste)

Celeste: How are you?

Penny: Pretty good.

Celeste: Why are you pretty good?

Penny: no why I don’t know why I’m pretty good. / I’m pretty good because ______________.

pattern making class 

eg. I made a dress in my pattern making class.



Saturday I had an English class at the SE Xujiahui branch/office in the afternoon. Finish class I went home to eat dinner at night. Then I went out with my mom to walk. Then we bought a clothes. Then we back home and slept. On Sunday I stay at home all day. At night I went to my apartment. Then, I went out with me classmates to eat dinner because my classmate’s was birthday.


Saturday in the afternoon / Saturday afternoon I had an English class at the SE Xujiahui branch/office. After, I finished class I went home to eat dinner. Then I went out with my mom to walk. Then we bought a brown dress. Then we went back home and slept. On Sunday I stayed at home all day. At night I went to my apartment. Then, I went out with my classmates to eat dinner because it was my classmate’s birthday.


dorm room / dormitory ( dorm – mit – tor – ree ) n. – rooms or apartments for students at college/university

eg. IFA has dorm rooms but it’s a they are really old and not clean/dirty.

gym ( jim ) n. – place to do sports and exercise

eg. IFA has a gym but it is small so a little few students in use this gym.

cafeteria ( caf – fi – teer – ee – uh ) n. – place to eat for students at college/university

eg. IFA’s cafeteria is not good because their food is not tasty.

tasty adj. = delicious

not tasty = not delicious

not delicious = bad, disgusting, awful 

campus  ( camp – pis ) n. – whole or entire area of a school

eg. IFA’s campus is small and is far from my mom’s home.