F2F Class Notes 21st May (Jesse) [3]

3: Technique: Grammar/Pro: review + free talk on topic (focus on errors)

Food for next topic. + retell story from last class + review this class vocabulary.

default – the standard / normal / automatic
eg. the default address on my amazon account is my current home address

to have exercise to do
eg. i did some exercise last night

health check / physical exam
eg. we did a health check at work yesterday

most of the colleagues my colleague

staff / employee = yuan gong / guo yuan

discuss aboutdiscuss sth

improve is similar to make progress

Sometimes I think I’m different from other Geminis. It is because my blood is type A
Sometimes I think I’m different from other Geminis which is because my blood is type A

while the project is being conducted

contradict – to say the opposite of sth (contradiction)
eg. you shouldn’t contradict your teacher

in the future i’m aiming for this job
in the future i’m aiming to get this job
this english course is aimed at improving your english