F2F Class Notes 21st July (Harmony)

Gallery – 画廊 :  a place to look at art, or maybe buy art.

Very more picture – lots of pictures


Refund:  to get your money back after returning sth.

Eg.  Can you give me a refund?

Eg.  I returned the shirt and got a refund.

Eg.  Are you refund money for me – are you able to refund the money?

Eventually:   finally, at some later time.

Will very goodwill be very good

A little dayin the close future


Soon: in the close future.

Eg.  I will go to the park on a soon dayI will go to the park soon.


License (lie – sense)


Staff = employees

Eg.  If you have a company, you must have staff.

If I am a boss I must best provide for my custom – If I am a boss I must provide the best for my customers.

Customers (cuss – toe – mers)

My hair longer than your – my hair is longer than yours

I will later for 20 minutes – I will be 20 minutes late


Eg.  I will eat dinner later.

Eg.  I will swim later.

Two days ago = the day before yesterday

In two days = the day after tomorrow

Two years ago = the year before last

In two years = the year after next

Eg.  I am meet you every day – I will meet you every day

Eg.  I met you yesterday.

Eg.  I met you at school.



Eg.  My mood is very bad as the weather is very hot.


Eg.  My mother watched tv while I am reviewing notes.


Eg.  When I finish class I will go shopping.

As soon as **** keep reviewing

Eg.  As soon as I will go to university As soon as I graduate/ am done high school I will go to University. 

Eg.  We will start class as soon as Harmony is ready.

Eg.  As soon as Harmony goes to the bathroom we will start class.

A-P-P = app (ahp) – short for application (ah –plih – cay – shun)

Eg.  I will write a composition tomorrow.

Eg.  I was wrote composition yesterday – I wrote a composition yesterday

Eg.  I have written a composition every day.

Eg.  He suggested that I try this restaurant.

Eg.  He suggested this restaurant to me.


Eg.  My high school teacher recommended I study English.