F2F Class Notes 21st July (Celeste)

scalp – where your hair starts, ***remember the ‘l’

they give you the medicals to put on your hair. – They give you the medication/medicine to put on your hair.

scanner – device used to take a picture/make a copy

You can see all the holes. –  You can see all the pores.

If you have greasy hair, you have grease.

If you have oily hair, you have oil.

I got a problem of dropping hair.
I have a problem with hair loss.
I am losing my hair.

My hair drops.My hair falls out.

This hair don’t get enough nutrition. – My hair doesn’t get enough nutrition.

red parts / red marks / red patches

the pads of your fingers

dandruff n. – looks like snow or flour in your hair, bacteria/dead skin on scalp

1 or 2 daysevery other day / every 2 days

It’s not hurt It doesn’t hurt

calming lotion/cream – used on the skin where there is irritation

irritation n. – when skin is sensitive, hot, itchy, bumpy

She has quite many hair.
She has a lot of hair.
She has quite a lot of hair.

roots – tip of the hair that starts at the scalp

shaft – part of the hair between the roots and tips, the middle

ends / tips – end of your hair