F2F Class Notes 21st February (Celeste)***


Write a short story about why you are busy at work. Upload your writing to the website.


collect my confidence – build my confidence / gain confidence

interrupt / interrupting / interrupted (tid) / will interrupt v. – to stop someone from speaking

Q: How are things? / How are things going? / How is everything?

more professional:

A: I’m ok, good, great, angry, hungry…

Work is great, busy/hectic/chaotic, slow because…

more personal:

A: My family is…

My kids are…

My parents are…

Follow up question:

How are things for you? / How about you? / What about you? / And you?


Celeste ( suh – lest )

varied ( v air – reed ) – many, a lot, different

etc. = et cetera  ( et – set – er – uh )


as currently, – Currently