F2F Class Notes 21st December (Tony)


presents for my mom

within the first 6 months of next year

take out a loan (n)

loan (v) someone money


lenient – not strictly following the rules

eg: “I like to work in a lenient atmosphere.”

oversight – watching the things that you do to make sure they are done correctly.

eg: “There isn’t much oversight from my boss, because he trusts me.”

get out of hand – lose control

eg: “I got a little out of hand and spent too much money on my mom’s present.”

a no brainer – a decision that is very easy to make

eg: “I’m not good at making choices, so like a no brainer choice.”

under the weather – feel ill or sick

eg: “A lot of people fell under weather when the smog is bad.”

get up on the wrong side of the bed – to wake up in a bad mood, from an old roman superstition.