F2F Class Notes 21st December (Tanya)


to be dedicated – when there’s something you value very highly and it’s very high on your list of priorities, you’re committed to it

e.g. Chuyi ran to class today, she’s clearly very dedicated.

goal – 目标

e.g. Chuyi’s goal is to change jobs by March.

to hack 

  1. hacking computers
  2. (slang) to use a shortcut to get somewhere

e.g. Chuyi’s reading an article on how to hack the getting-a-job-process.

to jump ships (idiom) – to change teams

e.g. I’m changing my job as of tomorrow and I’m going to work for the competition. I’m jumping ship.

to get something up to par (idiom) – to get something up to the standard

e.g. My Christmas tree has no decorations yet! Time to get it up to par.

to start from scratch (idiom) – to start at the beginning, with nothing at all

e.g. I made this apple pie from scratch!

to emulate – to imitate, to copy

e.g. It’s a good idea to emulate your role models if you wanna be like them.

acquaintance – someone you know

e.g. There’s a lot of my acquaintances at this party. They’re not my friends really, but I know them.

pet project – setting a goal or doing a project because you want to, not because you have to

e.g. Learning French and learning how to speak it more fluently is a pet project of Tanya.

to demonstrate – to show people

e.g. I’d like to demonstrate to you how good Chuyi’s English is.

portfolio – a collection of the work you’ve done

e.g. A singer’s portfolio will usually consist out of a series of mp3 files. A painter’s portfolio will usually be a collection of some of his paintings.

heated (adjective)

  1. to have gotten warmer
  2. involving a lot of emotions and passion

e.g. Some political conversations can get very heated because people care a lot about these subjects.


I can’t learn something more – I can’t learn anything anymore