F2F Class Notes 21st December (Raph)


Marginalize (v): 1- to treat (a person, group, or concept) as insignificant, making it powerless and putting it at the margin of society.
E.g.: The War on Drugs just marginalizes drug users, without actually tackling the problem of addiction and drug trafficking.

Raid (n): 1- a sudden invasion, assault or attack upon something that needs to be taken or suppressed.
E.g.:  Last night the police coordinated a massive raid on a gambling ring.

Escalate (v): 1- to increase in extent, volume, number, amount, intensity, or scope.
E.g.: The conflict has escalated into an all-out war.

Seize (v): to take or keep under one’s control by authority of law.
E.g.: The bank seized their property.

Inmate (n): a person who’s in prison.
E.g.: Many inmates leave federal prisons in a worse state than when they got there.

Undertaking (n): 1- a task, enterprise, etc.
E.g.: He advised us against such a risky undertaking.

Deliberate (adj): 1- done on purpose.
E.g.: That was a deliberate act meant to disturb peace.

Rhetoric (n): 1- language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect on its audience, but often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content.
E.g.: He used very strong rhetoric to convince people.

Perpetuate (v): 1- to cause something to last indefinitely.
E.g.: Fears about an epidemic are being perpetuated by the media.

Incarcerate (v): 1- to put in prison.
E.g.: The Obama administration has made it clear that incarcerating people over drug use is not the solution to the problem of addiction.



