F2F Class Notes 20th October (Celeste)

injured ( in -jerd )

careless / selfish / dangerous

crime responsibilitiestake responsibilities for your crimes

The accident doesn’t go on their criminal record.

If you commit a crime, you are a criminal.

She committed a criminal offense.

pedestrian ( puh – dess – tree – in  ) n. – a person who walks

moped / scooter / e-bike (electric bike)

he turned in front of you = he cut you off

hit and run – illegal

irresponsible  vs. responsible

met this kind of situation – encounter / come across 

If you happen to come across a dangerous situation, the best way to get through it is to call the police.

We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. = We’ll deal with that problem when it occurs.

follow the straight and narrow path – do the right and good things to be a good, decent person

If you believe in Jesus Christ (person), you are a Christian (person who believes), you belong to the faith of Christianity.