F2F Class Notes 20th March (Joseph)


Different – 不一样的 (e.g. Everyday I eat different food.)

Ice skating -名词 (to skate – 动词) – (e.g. I like iceskating but I am not very good at skating.)

Table tennis – 乒乓球 (e.g. Chinese people are good at table tennis.)

Traveling – 旅行 (e.g. I really like traveling.)

First (1st) – 一号 (e.g. Today is the 1st of the month.)

Second (2nd) -二号 (e.g. I came second (2nd) in the competition.)

Third (3rd)-三号 (e.g. I came third (3rd) in the race.)


Team (tee-m)

Football (foo-t-bool)

Skate (sk-ay-t)

Cycling (ci-cer-ling)

Badminton (bad-min-ton)

Basketball (bass-ket-ball)

Ball (bool)

Painting (paa-n-ting)

Hobby/hobbies (hob-bee)(hob-bees)

Ticket (ti-ket)

Film (feel-m)

Cinema (si-ne-ma)