Open F2F Class Notes 20th March (Daniel)

I started to come here 2 weeks ago.

Petal – a piece of flower

Path – a small road

Residential area

Breath – the process of taking in and expelling air during breathing

he took a deep breath and dived into the pool

I want to talk about homework.

In a wife way, I thought husband need take over more homework, it is the way you love your wife.You want to your wife healthy and enjoy the life marred.

Surely, wife also need take over homework and take care of husband. Such as prepare fruits and wash clothes and so on.

I want to talk about housework.

As a wife, I believe husband should do more housework, it is the way to show they love their wives. Because you want your wife to be healthy and enjoy married life. The husband should not complain about doing too much housework.

Surely, wife also needs to do housework and take care of husband. Such as prepare fruits, do laundry and so on.