F2F Class Notes 20th June (Harmony) ***
Next Class: Review the article and make more examples for the new vocab.
Neck/Shoulders/Upper back/ mid back/ lower back
Pulse: your heartbeat (you can feel it on your neck and on your wrists.)
Acupuncture: TCM, uses small needles to increase blood flow and heal you.
Metabolism 新陈代谢 (meh – tah – bowl – ism): the rate you digest food.
Eg. My body’s metabolism is very slow.
Tire/tired/tiring (verb):
Eg. Babysitting young children will tire you out. (future)
Eg. Babysitting young children will tire you.
Eg. I babysat last night so I am tired. (past)
Eg. The babysitting was tiring. (past)
Eg. I am babysitting and it’s tiring. (present)
Tired (adj): to describe sth that is tired.
Eg. The tired man fell asleep in his chair.
Eg. I am tired.
Eg. Last night I couldn’t sleep so I’m tired now.
She was tiring = she made me tired
She is tiring = she makes me tired
Eg. A person that you don’t get along with/someone that is difficult to work with.
I have a co-worker that never agrees with anything I say. She is very tiring to work with.
I had to work with sally today and it was tiring.
She is tired = she IS tired (not you)
Getting a massage will make you tired/ is very tiring.
Might (mite)
Skyscrapers (sky – scrape – ers): a really tall building. (scrapes/touches the sky)
Holidays (hall – ih – days)
Asked (asskd)
Architecture (ar – kih – teck – chur): building/ bridges etc. design.
Architect: a person who creates architecture.
Daily (day – lee)
Bubble: a pocket of air, like blowing bubbles.
Virtual – Get the V (verr – chu – ul)
Advanced ( add – VanceD)
Recipe (reh – sih – pee): a list of ingredients nad instructions on how to make a certain food dish.
Eg. I got this new recipe online for chocolate cake, I will try to make it tonight.
capsule: a small case, or covering. (usually round and can be closed)
Eg. Medicine capsule/ space capsule.
Predict/predictions: to guess something about the future.
Questioned = question/ asking a question
Researchers questioned 2,000 adults about the predictions they thought were most likely to happen in the future = The researched asked 2000 adults about their predictions that they thought would be most likely in the future.
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