F2F Class notes 20th June (Eddie)
Visiting a public place
public adj = not private, open
public n =
black swam – swans
it’s quite big a park – it’s quite a big park
on weekend I saw lot of people – on weekends I see lots of people
goes through all the park – goes through the park/ snakes through the park
pond = small lake
lake =
natural =/= artificial / man-made
not much people come – not many people come
air condition – air quality AQI = air quality index
PRC = People’s Republic of China
E.g. Q: What does HP stand for?
A: HP stands for Hewlett Packard
IQ = Intelligence Quotient
acronym (‘a – cruh – nim) = the initials of a longer name made up of more words – CNN, NATO, USA, NBA, NHL
signage = all the signs such as “No smoking”, “No littering”, “No swimming”, “No loitering” etc
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