F2F Class Notes 20th December (Raph)


Televise (v): 1- to show something on TV.
E.g.: The concert was a televised all over the world.

Surreal (adj): 1- bizarre or very different. 2- something that is too big or too irrational to be true.
E.g.: Going to India was one of the most surreal experiences of my life.

Procrastinate (v): 1- the action of delaying or postponing something.
E.g.: We need to avoid procrastinating and be more produc.

Ambition (n): 1- strong desire for status, fame, or power
E.g.: He lacked ambition and couldn’t compete with the others.

Ambitious (v): 1- having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed.
E.g.: His mother was hard-working and ambitious woman.


It’s getting slow than before – It’s getting slower than before.

Less and less projects – Fewer and fewer projects


Gouache: \ˈgwäsh\

Acrylic: \ə-ˈkri-lik\

Pastel: \pas-ˈtel\

Palette: \ˈpa-lət\

Realism: \ˈrē-ə-ˌli-zəm\

Symbolism: \ˈsim-bə-ˌli-zəm\