F2F Class Notes 20th December (Jesse)


noonmidday / 12pm 

logically yes you can do thattechnically yes you can do that but practically / in practice it’s not a good idea. 

sweet dreams = very sweet

have a nice sleep / sleep well = more formal

Speaking exercise

we went to Seattle in a US, my colleagues and I we have total 4 people,  but one of us is a male so i have to stay in a room alone, so i decided to find a b&b so i found a room which is closest to my colleagues hotel, it turned out the owners actually they were gay couple but i didn’t notice at the first place, so i asked one of them many questions, like “so do you actually live together?” so “you two will stay in the same room?” and he just told me they are partners but i didn’t realise what kind of partners they was.

we went to Seattle in the US, and there were 4 of us in total but there was one male so i had to stay in a room alone, so i decided to find a b&b and i found a place which was closest to my colleague’s hotel. It turned out the owners were actually a gay couple but i didn’t notice it at first, so i asked one of them many questions, like “do you actually live together?”, “you two will stay in the same room?” and he just told me they were partners but i didn’t realise what kind of partners they were.

he told me he is from australia

too many “so”

at first – the first moment

in the first place – the original situation
eg. You should not have called me that late in the first place.

censored – control information / communication
eg. they censor what we say about the government

sensed – feel

bu shi na me qiao -…. think about it

jammed the door closed with the chair / propped a chair against the door