F2F Class Notes 20th April (Tony)


in common – have the same things together

eg: One thing Jeff and I have in common, is we are both from Hong Kong.

mini – smaller than it usually is

eg: We saw a mini piano at the playground.

pit – a large hole in the ground

eg: We jumped into a ball pit

equally (adv.) – do something the same amount

Speaking exercise

What do butterflies look like?

They look like insects with beautiful wings.

What hobbies do you have in common with Jeff?

We both play football, we have that in common.

Are you serious during class?

Yes, I’m serious during kindergarten class.

Would you be extremely happy to get a puppy?

Yes I would be extremely happy to have a puppy, but I also love rabbits.

How does Jeff help you sometimes?

Jeff helps me with Chinese, I help him with English.

Do you two help each other equally?

Yes, we help each other equally.