F2F Class Notes 20 October (Raph)

Photography (n): 1- the art, process, or job of taking pictures with a camera
E.g.: Raph had a photography exhibition last April.

Religious (adj): 1- of or relating to religion. 2- believing in a god or a group of gods and following the rules of a religion
E.g.: Christmas is a religious festival that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.

Hinduism (n): 1- the main religion of India which includes the worship of many gods and the belief that after you die you return to life in a different form. 2- 印度教
E.g.: Bali is an island in Indonesia where the majority of people practice Hinduism.

Chant (v): 1- to sing words and especially religious prayers by using a small number of musical notes that are repeated many times
E.g.: Protesters were chanting outside the governor’s home.

Legend (n): 1- a story from the past that is believed by many people but cannot be proved to be true
E.g.: I don’t believe the legends I’ve heard about this forest.

Evil (adj): 1- very bad or wicked.
E.g.: He was a very evil man and everyone feared him.