F2F Class Notes 1st September (Celeste)

girls that are friends – girl (space) friend / my friend that is a girl
boys that are friends – boy (space) friend / my friend that is a boy

little – size
few – numbers
eg. There’s few boys in my office.

1-12 = girls / boys / children

13-19 = teenagers

20-30s = guys and girls / bros / girl friends

+30s = woman / women / man / men

formal = lady / ladies / gentleman / gentlemen

SS: I want to make friends with sb.

eg. I want to make friends with boys / guys.

eg. I want to make friends with Judy.

I want a boyfriend.

I want to get a boyfriend.

Our girls don’t like them.
Girls at my school didn’t like the guys because they were not handsome and not smart.

personality, character, charming, gentle, smart

preciously describe – precisely  (pri – sise – lee ) describe

You care more about who the person is, and not what they look like.

You are not superficial. You are deep.