F2F Class Notes 1st March (Tanya) [s]


horoscope – 星座

e.g. Alice’s horoscope is virgo.

nail polish – 指甲油

e.g. Alice is allergic to nail polish.

Speaking exercise


In home, I stick G-dragon to poster. G-dragon is a singer. He is Korean and he is 29. He is lion. He is very handsome. TF boys leader is Wang Jun Kai. I am virgo. He is also virgo. Wang Jun Kai is very ugly. So virgo is also very ugly. I don’t like my horoscope virgo. This is Li Zhong Shuo. He is my same 星座。He is virgo. You are very like him? You is very very funny.


At home, I have G-dragon posters on my wall. G-dragon is a singer. He is Korean and he is 29 years old. His horoscope is lion. He is very handsome. TF boys leader is Wang Jun Kai. My horoscope is virgo. His horoscope is also virgo. Wang Jun Kai is very ugly. So virgo is also very ugly. I don’t like my horoscope. This is Li Zhong Shuo. He has the same horoscope as me. He is virgo. Do you like him? You are very very funny.


Review last 5 classes!