F2F Class Notes 1st June (Jesse)

trainer – “tray ner”

trainer (do things) = teacher (ideas)

personal trainer

train = huo che

digested – xiao hua
eg. i felt sick because my food hadn’t been digested yet

upset stomach = sick feeling stomach
eg. I had an upset stomach so I threw up

shampoo – what you use to wash your hair

conditioner – makes your hair feel soft

natural – zi ran
eg. washing your hair once a week or less is more natural than every day

every second day 
eg. I wash my hair every second day

get used to < >  get sick of it
eg. I have lived here for 7 years so I am used to it. If I eat rice dumplings too much, I will get sick of them

self-driven / motivated
eg. my mum is really self driven

metabolism – the system of processing food / energy in your body
eg. my dad has a fast metabolism