F2F Class Notes 1st July (Jesse)
a quarter = 1/4Â
a quarter past 1Â
the man walked past the houseÂ
a car drives past / go past / walk pastÂ
half past 1Â
half past 2
a quarter to 2
a quarter past 1
meeting room = hui yi shi
office = ban gong shiÂ
lobby = da ting / xiu xi shiÂ
this iphone is different to that iphone
this iphone is the same as that iphone
he looks similar to herÂ
he looks the same as her
xujiahui is on the way to jingan, so I think tiyuguan is more convenientÂ
on the way
loud / quiet
front / behind
different to / the same as / similar toÂ
some day I went to study English. my english school is in jingan temple. I take the bus to xujiahui which is on the way to jingan. then I arrived at the english school ___ I heard upstairs had renovations which was very loud. I arrived in xujiahui ___ I think people are all are going to different places, then I go to take a subway. The subway is __ front of me.Â
when I got to xuhui / when I am in xuhuiÂ
lou shang / xia – upstairs / downstairs
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