F2F Class Notes 1st December (Raph)


Tutor (n): 1- a private teacher
E.g.: My son’s English tutor is from America.

Substitute (n): 1- a person or thing that takes the place or function of another
E.g.: Our substitute teacher isn’t very good.

Major (v): 1- specialize in (a particular subject) at college or university. 2- important, serious, or significant.
E.g.: I decided to major in law at university.

Majority (n): 1- the greater number; more than 50%.
E.g.: The majority of my classmates are women.

Competition (n): 1- a contest between two or more persons or groups for an object desired in common, usually resulting in a victor and a loser
E.g.: Prices are lower when there is competition among the stores.

Competitive (adj): 1- :  relating to, characterized by, or based on competition. 2- inclined, desiring, or suited to compete
E.g.: You need a degree to be competitive in today’s job market.

Geopolitics (n): 1- a method of studying foreign policy to understand, explain and predict international political behavior through geographical variables.
E.g.: He studied Geopolitics at Fudan University.

Pork liver (n): 1- 猪è‚

Lamb (n): 1- 羊肉


(Original – Edited)

You can’t choose your majority by yourself. – You can’t choose your major by yourself.