F2F Class Notes 1st December (Celeste)


Write a review or summary about the movie you watched over the weekend.


romantic ( rrrrrO – man – tic )

Iraqi ( I rak – kee )

courageous ( ker – rage – jiss )

enemy ( N – im – mee )

author ( aw – ther )

Texas ( tex -sis )

journalist ( jer – null – list  )


fight / fighting / fought / will fight

cheerleader n. – sb who cheers and dances at events

football field – place to play football

initiate / initiating / initiated / will initiate v. – to start sth
eg. The cheerleader initiated the kiss.

incoherent adj. – without logical or meaningful connection; disjointed; rambling

coherent adj. –logically connected; consistent


Billy hadn’t had a girlfriend. = Before he joined the army, he didn’t have a girlfriend.

I hadn’t known that.

If I had studied a lot, I could have passed the exam.

Billy couldn’t keep his eyes off of her.