F2F Class Notes 1st Aug (Harmony)

Kendo (ken – do)

My workplace is changed for two days latermy workplace changed two days ago.

In the interneton the internet

Internet/computer/phone – ON

Eg.  On the internet/ on the phone/on the computer.


I woke up at 7:30 this morning and then I wash my face and brush my teeth for one hour because I’m a little bit slow in the action. Then I go to work at 8:30. I use the subway to go to work and it’s not very luck this morning, I’m a little bit too late for my work because the subway, there are too many people I can’t go in there.  In the morning we had a meeting to talk about our program and something, and my work is to write them down for they want to check it so I can show them what they talk and what they discuss.  Then at about 12:30 I ate lunch with my colleagues.  I think it’s not too bad for the lunch, it’s delicious because I made it.  Then I had a nap, about 2 o’clock I worked back again.  And the whole afternoon I will count the numbers, just like some bills or the invoices or something.  I must account them and write down,add them up, and balance them.  Write a list and who used what and what they used it for, and I must give it to my boss a month a time.  And then I come here to have a class with you!


I woke up at 7:30 this morning and then I washed my face and brushed my teeth, and got ready for work. It took about one hour because I move slowly all the time. Then I went to work at 8:30. I used the subway to go to work and I was not very lucky this morning, I was a little bit late for work because the subway had too many people.

In the morning we had a meeting to talk about our programs and to cheer up the staff. My job is to write the minutes down so if they want to check it I can show them what they talked about.

Then at about 12:30 I ate lunch with my colleagues.  I think it was not too bad because I made it.  Then I had a nap, about 2 o’clock I did my job again. The whole afternoon I was counting the numbers, just like some bills, or invoices, or something.  I must organize and account for the spending, then write a list and give it to my boss once a month. Then I came here to have a class with you!

**Past Tense!!!

I will cook for the time I haveI cooked when I had extra time after work.

Eg.  Because I move slowly in the morning./ because I move slowly.

Eg.  We had a meeting.  We talked about…..

Eg.  And am having a class with you

Positive:  a good thing/ yes/ good attitude.

Eg.  I am positive that I want ice cream after work.

Eg.  My boss wants us to have a positive attitude!

Eg.  April is a positive person.

The minutes:  the notes that are taken during a meeting so that they can be shared with everyone.






Eg.  I totally understand what you taught me.

Shrimp:  small seafood (like a small lobster… sort of)

Food baby/pizza baby