F2F Class Notes 1st April (Tony)


I went out with my friends

they have their own desk

social (adj.) – likes being around others and talking to them

eg: “I’m a very social person.”

assumption – a guess about something that you think you know

eg: Chinese communication uses a lot of assumptions and intuition.

intuition (N.) -something that is known or understood without proof or evidence, you just know.

eg: I always choose the company to work for based on my intuition.

horoscope – prediction about this month’s events, for the specific star (zodiac) sign

eg: My friend reads his horoscope every day.

gullible (adj.) – a person who believes things easily

eg: He’s so gullible, he will believe anything.

skeptical – hard to believe things

eg: I’m too skeptical to believe horoscopes.    I’m way too skeptical to believe that.

infer – to make an educated guess based on the information you know.

eg: It’s difficult to infer how these changes will affect ordinary citizens.


toy – Toi      toi ya?


Write a short story using today’s vocabulary.