F2F Class Notes 19th November (Tony)


Supply Chain Management

I do supply chain management for Loreal.

I worked for more than 9 years – I’ve worked there for more than 9 years.

the recipients of our products are Sam’s Club, Wal-Mart, Carrefour, and other markets.

Some workers behavior may be counterproductive, so it is not permitted at work.

I’m obsessed with checking emails.

It is challenging


a loss – something that has become lost. negative outcome. eg: “Our company had a huge loss this quarter, because our marketing team ran a bad campaign.”

slang – li yu commonly spoken words, used with different meanings.

mandatory – something you must do in order to move on eg: “At Loreal it’s mandatory to improve your English before you get a promotion.”

context – the situation in which you are speaking eg: “Taken out of context it is too hard to understand.”

idiom – is a phrase that takes on a new meaning in a certain context. “Off the top of my head, I can’t think of any French stars.” off the top of my head – to suddenly think about…

Q: Do you believe that all companies have ostensible losses?

A: Yes, they all have ostensible losses, because the capacity of production was insufficient.