F2F Class Notes 19th November (Tony)


I haven’t seen you for a while.

How have you been?

  1. Have + (V.) Have done (did in the past anytime before now) eg: Have + be + to = have been to (a place), have + go = have gone, have + eat = have eaten. EG: “I have eaten stinky tofu.” “I haven’t played American football.” “I haven’t cooked my family dinner.”
  2. Have + be + doing. Have been doing (started in the past, still doing it) = Have been doing, Have been studying. Have been eating, Have been working. I have been studying at University for 2 months. I’ve been working in Shanghai for 2 months.

Simple Past: – something is finished. eg:  “I studied at University for 2 months.” (finished studying). “I worked in shanghai for 2 months.” (don’t work in Shanghai now)

I ate stinky tofu. (finished eating) (focus on the past) Then I went to KTV, after that I took a taxi home.

I have eaten stinky tofu. (finished eating) (focus is on the present, just mention sth. in the past) But now I don’t want to eat that, let’s go to an Italian restaurant. Hey Penny do you want to try some new food? Yes, I would love to! Ok, let’s try this Thai food. Oh, I’ve eaten Thai food before, can we try Italian food.

I have been eating stinky tofu. (still eating) I’ve been studying English for 4 months.

Practice: Use two tenses in one sentence. I practiced swimming for 2 months, and I’ve been studying fashion design for 3 years.


Continuous – bu duan – …ING – means you are still doing sth. have not stopped or finished.

a bit -yi xia

a while – yi hui