F2F Class Notes 19th March (Celeste)

The weather makes me feel sleepy. /I am sleepy because of the weather.

The pollution makes me feel sleepy/uncomfortable. / I am sleepy / uncomfortable because of the pollution.

I can’t find the way of driving because of the bad pollution. – I can’t see while I’m driving because of the bad pollution.

browse (browz) – to look

I look around the website. – I browse the website.

It is easier to read than a newspaper.

Ex: ______ (verb) than _______.

This computer is older than my iPhone.

This chair is more beautiful than that chair.

Your sweater is smaller than my sweater.

Your VPN is faster than mine.

The service provides access to banned websites in China.

Please push up your sleeves so they don’t get wet when you wash your hands.

You should roll up your baby’s sleeves before plays in the pool.

I need to unroll my sleeves so I can put my jacket on. / I need to unroll my sleeves before we go out in the snow.

 Pull up your pant legs to show us your tattoo!