F2F Class Notes 19th July (Harmony)
Story Re-tell
I think cats are the cutest creatures in the world because they are smart, have dexterity and they also being sensitive in dramatic way. I adopted a short haired cat with gray colored fur and green eyes. He also had 4 white paws which was my favorite part of my cat. We called him Mimi because he always make that sounds when he was a baby. There’s a funny thing, every night when I’m go to bed to sleep, and turn off the light he always jump on my body and would get very close to your face. Probably to check if you died. I adopt him for 3 months then he grown up as a very big cat, then he can’t stop to pee and poo everywhere. Even on my pillow! I can’t stand it anymore so my grandma sent him to someone else. After that I went to college then, I really want to adopt another cat in the future but not right now.
Haired: (ADJ) having hair of a specified kind.
Eg. Long-haired, dark-haired, short – haired.
Eg. The boy with long hair.
Eg. The long-haired boy.
I think cats are the cutest creatures in the world because they are smart, have dexterity and they also being sensitive in dramatic way. I adopted a short-haired cat with gray colored fur and green eyes. He also had 4 white paws which was my favorite part of my cat. We called him Mimi because he always made that sounds when he was a baby. There’s a funny thing, every night when I went to bed to sleep, and turn off the light he always jumped on my body and would get very close to my face. Probably to check if I died. I had him for 3 months then he grew into a very big cat, then he couldn’t stop peeing and pooping everywhere. Even on my pillow! I couldn’t stand it anymore so my grandma sent him to someone else. After that I went to college, I really want to adopt another cat in the future but not right now.
“Arrested Development” – super funny tv show.
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