F2F Class Notes 19th January (Celeste)


There are 2 types of English in London, posh and slang.

I pursue ( per – soo ) a higher standard of living.

There must be more to him than meets the eye.

There is more to the garden than meets the eye. 


abuse v. – to use wrongly or improperly; misuse/ to treat in a harmful, injurious, or offensive way

eg. Some government officials abuse their power.

monitor n. – computer or TV screen

monitor v. – to watch or look over sth or sb

eg. The security guards were monitoring the monitors in the office all night.

symbiotic (sim – bee – otic ) adj.- living in symbiosis, or having an interdependent relationship

eg. Many people feel the relationship between humans and dogs is symbiotic.


sb’s sth is better than sb’s sth

eg. Your Mandarin is better than his.

eg. Celeste’s phone is better than mine.

eg. Echo’s English is better than everyone’s.


core ***RRR

vital ***VVV